
You put CloudFormation template files for stacks in the templates directory or its subdirectories.

For each stack, you specify the template file to use with the template property. It accepts a relative file path to the template file in the templates directory.

If you don't specify the template, Takomo looks for a template file using the relative file path to the current stack configuration file from the stacks directory.


Say, we have the following project.

├─ stacks
│  └─ application.yml
└─ templates
   └─ application-template.yml

In application.yml stack configuration file you can define the template property like so:

template: application-template.yml

If you would omit the template property, Takomo would fallback to the default behaviour and look for a template file by name application.yml from the templates directory.

Inline template body

You can also inline the template body in a stack configuration file.


  inline: |
        Type: AWS::EC2::VPC

Disabling dynamic template

By default, Takomo processes each template file with Handlebars templating engine. You can turn off this dynamic template processing by providing the template configuration with an object with two properties: filename and dynamic. The former specifies the relative file path to the template file in the templates directory., and the latter is an optional boolean to enable or disable dynamic processing.


Use the object notation to disable dynamic template:

  filename: networking.yml
  dynamic: false

Where to define

The template property can be defined only in stack configuration files.


The template property must satisfy these requirements:

  • Must be a string or an object

Last updated

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